Discussion about world events with Moishe'la
Discussion about world events with Moishe'la (and his family)
A Handicapped child
Part 1
Subject superstorm
15 Cheshvan 5773 (Oct 30 '12)

Frankenstorm: ''Heralding in a New Era''

Mommy: Moishe'la you haven't written for us in a long time. Maybe you have something to tell us about the superstorm that hit the Northeastern coast of the US.

Moishe'la: Sure Mommy. I have a lot to say.
Of course the Frankenstorm is a great message and a warning from Shomayim, to Goyim and Jews alike. However this great storm was sent mainly as a message to the Yidden of the Diaspora.
The massive destruction of this storm, appropriately named "Frankenstorm", cannot be ignored. It is heralding in a new era just as the Twin towers when they fell began a new era; this storm has also begun a new era for humanity. From this point on, the world will become unrecognizable in every way. From this point on, the world powers will change. What is called nature will continue to bombard nations all over the world, and a great war is on the horizon. Financially things will fall very hard. The financial situation will be the hardest it has ever been, in all the history of this world.
This warning wasn't a very harsh one, even though many Yidden suffered very much. Still in comparison to other warnings from Shomayim it's relatively mild. True much damage was done, however not every Yid in the path of this great storm felt the damage. Not every Yid was without electricity, and indeed many walked away from this without even batting an eye, because the result had no effect physically on the person. Hashem gave leeway to the Yid to either open his eyes, or keep them shut. I hope and I pray that Yidden in America will open their eyes and see that they received a Divine message, a message that can still be misinterpreted. It can be interpreted that we are so good that Hashem saved us from much worse, or it can be interpreted that the end is coming close, and Hashem is warning us by destroying much of the Egel HaZahav that we possess, but not taking a large toll in Jewish lives. Hashem is warning us that next time it will be much worse if we don't come back to Him and rebuild this distorted Yiddishkeit that has become the Yiddishkeit of America.

I would ask the American Jews to take seriously this warning, take it very seriously. The United States of America is not a friendly country to you anymore. Not that the state of Israel loves Frum Jews. It does not! The state of Israel is ruled by the same type of people that rules the USA even if they are called Jews. Eretz Yisroel is the land of Am Yisroel and the Reshoim will disappear and we will be left with the Kedusha and with Moshiach and Olam Habah and that's what we want. Every Yid in Eretz Yisroel that cries out to Hashem will be protected. There is no such promise about any other place in the world. Those in Yerushalayim will have particular

protection if they cry out to Hashem and try to do His will. Every Yid that believes in HaKodosh Boruch Hu and trusts Him and tries to do His will, will survive Be'ezras Hashem. Every Yid that has a Yiddishe heart for the suffering of his people will be protected everywhere in the world.

Most of Am Yisroel today are Erev Rav. How do we tell who is an Erev Rav? An Erev Rav is someone who cannot cry over the troubles of another Yid.
A true Jew, Even if he doesn't come to tears, if he can at least feel a pain in his heart for the trouble of other Yidden, whether he knows the Yid or not, whether he likes the Yid or not, he must be capable of feeling pain for the other Yid's troubles.

Erev Rav hate Kedusha and so does Amalek hate Kedusha. Many Yidden today are from Zera Amalek. Amalek hates Kedusha the most. Amalek has no feeling except hatred for people who are close to HaKodosh Boruch Hu. The Erev Rav also have this, but not as intense. However their whole life is the Egel HaZahav. Those Yidden who are from the Shoresh of the Erev Rav, have turned Yiddishkeit in America, into a plastic superficial Gashmiusdik shell of true Yiddishkeit which has infected the world.

Now Hashem is destroying the Egel HaZahav. Those people who will mourn the Egel HaZahav the most, the Yidden who will refuse to the last moment of their lives to admit that the Egel HaZahav is finished forever, they will be revealed as the Erev Rav.

Hashem has unleashed into the world all the Reshoim that ever existed and at the very top is the snake himself. We are being put under their power by Hashem and they will unleash on us the most terrible situations. All the Sheker is oozing out of every corner and we will feel lost in the sea of Sheker. But those Yidden who are now holding on to truth, and are willing to suffer to hold on to that truth will not lose their balance, will not lose their direction. And as much as they suffer now that's how little they will suffer in the future.

Those who are steadfastly holding on to the tail of the Egel HaZahav will be crushed by the same Egel HaZahav. Hashem is crushing the Egel HaZahav and will crush it to the end. There will be nothing of all this Gashmius that's filled the world and almost destroyed the world. Man cannot destroy the world. Hashem created the world and He only can at His will destroy it, not man! The evil ones will be destroyed!

Yes, the worst Aveirah of this generation is the lack of Kedusha. The lack of Kedusha comes when we are steeped in materialism, when we live to gratify our senses and our desires. We cover ourselves as if we are so-called Frum with Talaisim and hats and beards etc., but inside we are not at all in, most cases, an Am Kodosh. We are not even pretending to be Am Kodosh because many of our wives look like street urchins and things have gone so out of hand that even the most Erlich of people agree to the Pritzus of their wives.

Am Yisroel is commanded to die rather than to become a Goy, to allow himself to be baptized Chas Veshalom. However, we are allowing ourselves to become no better than the Goyim. We are allowing our families to lose all of their Kedusha and I don't have to go into details to what this has brought upon our Frum society, our so-called Frum society. We find very big problems in Kedusha up to the point that there are many serious questions with Mamzairim etc. Therefore, when our Kedusha becomes challenged, when our Kedusha turns into impurity, then Am Yisroel ceases to exist, chas vesholom.

This also brings to conflicts because it's not only the Kedusha of the body, but also the Kedusha of the mind, of the desire for Kovod and power and that brings us to the subject of Shmiras HaLoshon.

All these conflicts that are raging among the Frum Yidden bring us down to the bottom of the barrel so-to-speak, and between our lack of Kedusha and our great lack of Shmiras HaLoshon, make us all but lost, all but lost.

The lack of electricity is basically the end of the Egel HaZahav as we know it. Because without electricity we are cut off from all the very worst of the Egel HaZahav.
The problem is that even for our basic every day needs we have become dependent on this electric and this is a very sad situation that our everyday existence is connected with the Egel HaZahav. So now like in Mitzrayim we are going to have to depend ONLY on HaKodosh Boruch Hu and that's the real way a Yid should live.

Another thing is that people can get ready in all kind of ways to deal with being without electricity: generators, batteries etc. But the message is not about that. The message is to depend only on HaKodosh Boruch Hu and He will save you.

There are those that will cry out "but we must do Hishtadlus, a Jew must do Hishtadlus!" However, there won't be any Hishtadlus that you will be able to do. So if there is nothing to do then you just have to trust Hashem till the end.

Part 2
17 Cheshvan 5773 (Nov 1'12)

Don't you see that the world is falling apart?

I only want to tell you this, that if the Yidden in America ignore the warning that Frankenstorm brought with it they will be very sorry. Very soon the anti-Semitism that has been hidden more or less since the Second World War will raise its head again in a fierce way in America and all over Europe and most of the world.

I'm saying this not as a Chiddush (something new) but because we are already seeing it happen and Yidden are trying to ignore it, but soon it will blow up in their faces and this will be another message.
The Yidden in Europe suffered Gehenom on this earth but why? Because they were not keeping the Mitzvos not even the most basic ones. The much smaller percentage of those so called Frum were also riddled with the mindset of the Haskolah. True there where Tzadikim of a great level and Chasidim also on a great level but the percentage was very small in comparison to those who have been tainted by the Haskolah.
But in our generation over sixty years since the end of world war two we almost don't feel the anti-Semitism it's not in style or wasn't in style but now things have changed, most governments are criminal governments that like nothing better than persecuting Am HaKodesh and because we have lost most of our Kedusha we are left unprotected against the evil that has taken over the world.

However the Yidden who trust only in Hashem and walk through the valley of death without any fear because Hashem is with them those people will survive.
Mommy: Why does the moon looks so interesting tonight?
Moishe'la: On this day the 17th of MarCheshvon the moon here in Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh was extremely beautiful but frightening also. A little star and a huge bright moon with a halo around it, a moon framed by clouds rippling in the background a very impressive sight, the star and the moon show us a great and frightening war will be here soon, all those who trust in Hashem and are not afraid of bombs and soldiers, lack of money, or being hungry, HaKodesh Boruch Hu will provide everything for his true people that trust him and are with him, for those who love him and love am Yisroel.
This is the difference between what will happen now and what happened during the Second World War. in this conflict which will be a thousand times more frightening then World War Two the Yidden who hold on tightly to HaKodosh Boruch Hu will live they will survive Im Yirtze Hashem, those that not will not.

In the Second World War Reshoim, Tzadikim and Beynonim where all killed, in this conflict Hashem will forcefully return all true Yidden to the emes and save them but Amelak and Erev Rav will be wiped out of existence.
Am Yisroel the true Jews among you please come together scream out to Hashem beg him to forgive us cry many many tears cry until you have puddles around you and beg Hashem to end this world of lies and bring us to the truth to Olam Habah, please beg Him Am Yisroel.
Why are you so indifferent how can you keep going to your parties and dancing with Gashmius when the whole world is in danger? How do you dare play stupid games with your Tzitzis hanging out of your pants to your knees and your Payos flying in the wind stupid games? Silly passtimes waste of time which is a cardinal sin in Yiddishkeit.

How can you ladies you Yiddishe Mamas walk around with short tight skirts open necks and shaitels that look like and really are real hair? It makes you look un married, you paint your faces which is absolutely forbidden and you sit in restaurants and show your gluteney, you go to Europe to Daven at graves of Tzadikim to beg them to give you wealth.

Hashem for years now has been making Am Yisroel ill, may we be spared. The hospitals are filled with Frum Yidden, Hashem Yishmor. People are dying in great numbers even though supposedly we are such tzadikim and give so much money for Chessed so why are so many people dying and why is the so called cure so torturous for so many? WHY?
Don't pat yourselves on the back and say they are dying to make a Kaporah for the generation it's not true, they are dying in order to make you cry and make you beg Hashem to cure them!! But we bury the dead and forget the Tefilos and go about our business as usual.

Don't you see that the world is falling apart? Don't you see that even the Goyim are speaking seriously about Armageddon - the end of the world? But you my dear Jews are still up to your old tricks, you are still deeply interested in you money making and your Loshon Hora in your habits that are not quite kosher in your gluttony and in your desires, of course there are those who are still trying to live a life of truth but they are very few, so therefore my dear fellow Frum Jew please cry out to Hashem with tears do Teshuva on all your Aveiros list them one by one come back to the truth get rid of your excessive Gashmius crush the Egel HaZahav into fine dust and throw it to the wind.

Part 3
20 Cheshvan 5773 (Nov 4'12)

Jews all over the world are in big danger
I just want to say that the world is falling apart and the United Stated of America no longer exists. I'm not a prophet and I can't say for sure, but I believe whole heartedly, that Barak Obama will be president once again. And I also believe that American Jewry is in big danger. I also believe that European Jewry is in big danger, and probably Jews all over the world are in big danger. But even though we went through the Nazis and suffered so much; so many Yidden were killed in very gruesome and sadistic ways, so many homes abandoned, so many lives destroyed, so many people suffering just because they were Jews.
Soon the Jews will be targeted again, and this time it will be even worse, because it will be the Jews all over the world and there will be no place to run.
And when every Yid (that can get there) has arrived in Eretz Yisroel, at that point or near that point all the nations of the world will come against Eretz Yisroel. And that's when Hashem will show His might. He will show that He is the Ribbono Shel Olam, the Creator and the Ruler of the world forever.
Until then I beg my fellow Jews, I beg you come close to HaKodosh Boruch Hu. It's the only way to save yourself. Do it with all your heart and soul and try, try very hard to leave the countries that you have been guests in for two thousand years and come back to your home, come back to Eretz Yisroel the land that Hashem gave to Avrohom Avinu and to his descendants.
The time is coming very soon! If you don't make a move soon then it will be infinitely harder afterwards. True, Hashem will save all true Jews but it will be so much harder.
The Yid that now picks himself up when he still has some Gashmius left, and rejects it, and comes to Eretz Yisroel, has an enormous Zechus and Hashem will never abandon him. If he cries out to Hashem and puts himself in danger by coming to Eretz Yisroel, Hashem will never abandon him.
This Hurricane Sandy was a great warning, but the warning is only beginning. Within the next week or two there will be very shocking things happening. Hopefully more Yidden will wake up. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for the Geula. I Daven every day and every night that our Yiddishe Folk will see the truth and will prepare themselves, really prepare themselves for the coming of Moshiach.
I'm very sad. In this last storm Jewish lives were lost and also homes where lost. People are destitute. People have gotten a very big shock, and I feel bad for the Yidden who suffer, but they just aren't listening! They don't listen to Hashem. They are not being what they are supposed to be. Many have gone so far afield, that their Yiddishkeit is

almost unrecognizable except for the fact that they still wear Tefillin put on Tzitzis, Talisim and so on...
Mother: I heard about long gas lines. Why aren't they giving out the gasoline in the areas affected by the storm?
Moishe'la: They want the suffering to be great. They want riots to begin. They want everyone to be unsettled. They want everyone to be miserable, and then they can take over.
Father: How come the Rabbonim don't tell the people to come to Eretz Yisroel?
Moishe'la: I don't know, the Rabbonim are interesting in America. Most of them are just as much in the Gashmius as anyone else. Don't forget the "Divrei Chaim" z"l said clearly that at the end of time most of the Yidden and even the Rabbonim will be Erev Rav.
I want to tell you that the tragedies have not ended. I want you to understand that America has become an ugly place. The United States has lost its beauty. It's lost its freedom and it has become a dangerous place, especially for people who believe in Hashem. But not only are the Jews in danger but believers of all kinds that believe in G-D are in danger Christians, Muslims, and Jews. But as in every society where Amalek and Edom rule, there is a special enjoyment and feeling of elation from persecuting Jews and this is soon going to be in the United states as well.
The camps are ready. All that has to happen is Martial law, and from that moment the real suffering begins. And don't think that if you are in Israel the long arm of the "New World Order" the American-style New World Order, won't try to persecute the Jews in Israel. They will probably start with American Jews for all kinds of reasons.
I want to explain that wherever we are in the world we are in danger, however I want to reiterate that the only place now for a Jew, is in Eretz Yisroel. Because here Hashem will protect all those who cry out to Him for help, and sacrifice to be Yidden. Those people who believe very much and trust HaKodosh Boruch Hu will come to Eretz Yisroel and they will get much credit for coming because it's not easy. There are those who live here already, but don't trust Hashem. If they start to trust Hashem, they will also be given special treatment from Shomayim. All those who believe and trust in Hashem, all those who cry out to Hashem for help, and live in Eretz Yisroel, will have special treatment.
I also want to say that the Erev Rav which have taken control Kivyachol of our communities, of our cities, of the government of the Zionists, of the Knesset, those people even if they cry out to Hashem will not be helped. They are not really crying out to Hashem because they are not really believers in Hashem .The minute that things settle down, The Erev Rav will go back to their treachery so they are lost! But the true Jew whose Neshama was at Har Sinai will always be Hashem's special son or daughter, always be closer to Hashem than any other people of the world.

Part 4
21 Cheshvan 5773 (Nov 6'12)

Read the signs Am Yisroel
We shall continue from last night BS"D.
We are now on the threshold of a new type of world. Whereas once people would wake up in the morning and jump out of bed, run to Daven or run to work with some kind of enthusiasm, with some kind of hope that today would be the day that their learning would go very well or they'll get a promotion in their job or they'll soon be making a Shidduch or Bar Mitzvah or a Bris. Something that would make a person excited, excited to live, excited to face the world. Once the world seemed just, and with rules and regulations, and the main thing is that most of the world was a democracy at least most of the western world. This meant that as Jews we could live quietly, and even if there was a certain amount of anti-Semitism still it wasn't anything to be afraid of and besides it was not the accepted thing to do even among the Goyim.
In Europe and in America in England and in Australia, South Africa, Singapore, and many other places the Jews managed to rise, to sky rocket to the top of the financial world. More and more Baalai Teshuva came on the Frum scene so it seemed that we had everything going for us, material wealth and spiritual wealth. We had almost achieved Gan Eden in this world. Even more than that, we could take trips to Europe and Daven at all the Kevorim of all of our great Tzadikim and of course the phenomenon of Breslev and Rabbi Nachman and Uman that thousands of Yidden come to Daven every year, makes Yidden feel that we really are getting somewhere spiritually also.
No problem to hop a plane, get to Uman for a day or two, and come back, and even some manage to go to Uman and the rest of Europe and even to get to Eretz Yisroel to Miron, to the Kosel, to Kever Rochel in less than a week. This has been our lives. Spiritual jet setting Chessed parties and other celebrations, and we feel that we are good Jews. However we forgot one thing and That is HaKodosh Boruch Hu. Somehow He wasn't really included in our new life, our jet setting life. Somehow He was left out. We became influenced in the worst way by the Goyisha life style, by the Egel HaZahav and this brought us down terribly in Kedusha.
Where there is little Kedusha, Hashem cannot be, and by my telling you this you'll reproach me and say "how dare you say such a thing? We are Am Kodesh!" I must say, no we are not for the most part Am Kodesh anymore. We have fallen very low and our communities are full of spiritual rot, we have fallen very low.
In business we are not always very honest. In Kedusha, Hashem Yishmor, the troubles that the Frum Am Yisroel suffers from is very similar to what the goyim suffer from. Yes the Frum Am Yisroel has lost its Kedusha. Hashem said "Kedoshim Tihiyu." How can we be Kedoshim when we sit and glutton in a pizza store on Motzai Shabbos? How can we be Kedoshim when on Chol Hamoed we go to bowl in a bowling alley with men and women scantily dressed? How can we be Kedoshim when our wives are definitely not dressed as Yiddishe Mammas should be dressed, maybe they are dressed in a style that they have made everyone believe is Kodesh. But it's not. It's not Kodesh.

Our wives and our daughters are dressed in a way that our forefathers would faint if they saw this kind of so called Kedusha, this kind of so called Tznius. Oy Lonu! And the men encourage this from their wives. They encourage the makeup, they encourage the jewelry they encourage the Shaitels, the short dresses and so on. They are no less at fault, even more at fault. If the husbands would not want their wives to dress with a lack of tznius then most of the problem would be solved. Unfortunately these husbands want their wives to be noticed by other men because for some reason it lifts the husband's ego. This is absolutely forbidden!

When a lady like this takes a Tehillim in her hands and Davens with all her heart and soul, but continues on her untzniusdik path, then her Tehillim can never reach the place that she is aiming at. And unfortunately she doesn't even know where she is aiming and where it's supposed to go, and what it really means. If she has troubles in her life so she'll cry and ask Hashem to straighten out her troubles, but very often she is also Davening for troubles that are connected to the Egel HaZahav, to something not kosher.
If someone in the family is ill or someone is off the derech then her tears are real but they can't get to Shomayim because she is not Kodesh and she is not even trying to be Kodesh, because every day when she walks out of the house men look at her and desire her, and this is absolutely forbidden and she blatantly ignores this fact. And every man that looks at her will be a curse on her in Shomayim and on her husband who is sitting and learning Torah, Kivyachol and he still wants his wife to be noticed by men. So the curse will be on him as well as on every man that looks at her, every man that looks at her even without desiring her.

Therefore Am Yisroel, this hurricane came and hit all the centers of Yiddishkeit in the northeast of America which means most of the Frum people in America. The vast majority of Frum were affected one way or another. Houses where brought down and the electricity, which is the main connection to the Egel HaZahav, has been cut off. Just think of all the things that you can't do without electricity. No computers, no DVD's, no movies, no air conditioner or heating, no cooking, no light, no refrigeration, no anything that can bring you to the great depth that you have fallen to spiritually.
Look and see and understand what Hashem is telling us. No electricity, no fuel, no cars, no airplanes, no nothing. Even food is hard to get. Read the signs Am Yisroel, because if you don't the next time will be ten times worse. I am not talking only about so called natural disasters. And by the way, temperatures will get to be freezing in the next few days and still many Yidden are without heating, without electricity to warm their houses.
Don't you understand Am Yisroel, don't you understand? Hashem is telling us, not to depend on the United States government or the Israeli government, not anything not the army and not the navy, not anything, not social security, not anything, not the doctors, not the nurses, nothing. We can only depend on Hashem. That's all you've got so you better shape up and you better be true Erlicha Yidden and not "as if" because that's not going to be good anymore. The lie is going to disappear.

All of your extreme Gashmius is going to disappear
and when it happens you'll remember my words.

I want to tell all of you that what I am saying now is straight from Hashem, and confiding in you Mommy and Tatti. All of that I have been writing relieves me very much because what I'm saying is extremely important.

I want you to know that very soon we will be in a world that is totally different than the one we know today and remember in the past. The base of everything will be totally different and we will need to be very strong in Bitachon in Hashem. Whoever is worried about money or how to pay bills or if they will have financial success in the future etc. just calm down! You won't have that kind of false security but it won't matter. Hashem will take care of us and that's what you have to trust.

The world doesn't have to be the way we think it has to be. Hashem makes it how He knows it's best for us. Even if what Hashem does seems uncomfortable for us, we must always be sure that it is the best way for us and that's what we have to know and believe. Ultimately we will be very very happy.

Part 5
22 Cheshvan 5773 (Nov 6 '12)

Explain to your children how Yiddishkeit once looked
I want to write about Chinuch today.
Chinuch is the most important part of our Yiddishkeit because that is what promises us the future of Yiddishkeit. The children that are educated to do Hashem's Ratzon are the future of Am Yisroel, and those who don't receive the correct Chinuch (education) become the dropouts from what Hashem wants us to be.

Unfortunately the Egel HaZahav rules the United States of America, at least until now, and together with the Goyim it also rules the Yidden. Most of our Frum schools and Yeshivos are steeped in Gashmius, are steeped in "the torah of the Egel HaZahav" and not in the Torah of Hashem.

We look at the Kinderlach in the Chadorim. We look into their faces. We see Yarmulkes on their heads. We see Payos dangling at their sides, Tzitzis and so on. We can also see on the faces of many aggression and the features of the modern world. We can see little Kinderlach that seem so Frum trying to give a judo-chops to each other. We can look into their faces and not see the Erlicha children, the Temimusdik expressions that we expect to be looking back at us.

The little boys that go to Cheder today, many of them, have lost their Yiddishe Chein. They have lost their connection with HaKodosh Boruch Hu. A generation that has grown up on pizza, coca cola, and ice cream can't have the Temimusdik look of an Erlicha little boy. Unfortunately the teenagers in our community are suffering very much from a terrible malady, the illness of the Egel HaZahav, of the Gashmius.

The girls of Bais Yaakov today are not what the Torah calls Tzniusdik. At least most of them aren't. T-shirts are common; short tight skirts. And even if they have uniforms or dress code most everything is too tight, not long enough, and not always buttoned to the top. The conversations between the young teenage girls are usually superficial and Gashmiusdik. The conversations of the Bochurim may be spliced with a bit of Torah, but most of them are also Gashmiusdik and not full of Kedusha.

The main thing, the Kedusha, that's what's missing. Do you hear? Do you hear Mommies and Tatties? You didn't pass on to your children Kedusha. Why not? Because Motzai Shabbos you rather go out bowling. Because in the three weeks you take the kids to amusement parks. Because during the nine days you can't eat meat, so you take the kids out to fast-food places for Milchigs. And that's called Yiddishkeit.

You have made a plastic Yiddishkeit and passed it on to your children, and then when they do abominable things, when they lose their contact with Hashem you are shocked. But why are you so shocked when most of you Mommies and Tatties and Bubbies and Zadies have also lost your contact with HaKodosh Boruch Hu and this is very bad. This is very very bad.

The generation from the beginning of World War Two until now is about three to four generations, and we have fallen way down. The American Frum Jew of today is almost totally different then the Frum Jew of yesteryear.

Oh sure, the Yeshivas are full, full of Bochurim learning. You hear the sounds of Torah being hummed, and the Bais Midrash is full of excitement and words of learning, however something very big is missing, and that is HaKodosh Boruch Hu. He has not been invited in to any one of our Mosdos. I can't really say none of them, because I'm sure here and there, there are people who are still holding on to Hashem, but in most cases where Bochurim are worried about their hats and the color of their ties and they're worried about how smooth their shave is and how tight their pants are and how skinny they are, and the girls are worried about their make-up and their clothes and their fancy Shaitels, in these places Hashem is not invited.

Another terrible Minhag in our circles is that if a girl Nebach wants a learning boy, her parents have to dig up a few hundred thousand dollars plus the girl herself must have some kind of profession to assure the up and coming Talmid Chachom that he'll be able to sit and learn all of his life without giving up any of the Gashmius that he is used to. This is all in order just to have him consider the Shidduch.

Today's Bochurim also ask for a description of the girl's Middos, however when they speak of Middos they are not speaking of character traits they are speaking of how tall she is what size dress she wears etc. In all of the above situations unfortunately there's no place for HaKodosh Boruch Hu.

So Mommies, Tatties, Bubbies, and Zadies, you're going to be held responsible because you yourselves have done this. You yourselves have put Hashem on the side and you come to Him only when you want Him, when you need Him. When a person is sick Hashem Yirachem, and when there is some tragedy Hashem Yirachem, when you have lost a lot of money Hashem Yirachem etc. Then you start crying out to Hashem. However it doesn't help because Hashem knows very well that the minute you get what you want you're back to your old tricks, and He is pushed aside. Yes you keep Torah and Mitzvos, Yes you try to do more or less what's expected of you technically, but the heart and the soul is not there.
There is a certain roughness and a lack of Erlichkeit. Look at our singers, the people that put out all the Frum music of today. Who are they? Rough people, not refined, not close to Hashem. The sound of their music is the sound of the American street. Even if it's a kind of soft music, it's still the sound of the street. Its superficial sounds of the American scene, and therefore the music that there once was has disappeared, and the Yiddishe person doesn't want to hear the old songs, the old songs with the old heart with the old soul. They want the new smooth jumping singer, who have most of the time shaven faces or even if the singer looks like a Tzaddik with a long beard, his movements do not coincide with the look of a Chassid.

Now we are very confused. Our education is going down the drain, and because of this, this must be the last generation before Moshiach, because if not we'll have no more future generations of real Jews Hashem Yirachem. Maybe we will have a few relics of our once beautiful Yiddishkeit but no more than that. The real Yiddishkeit will have disappeared, and therefore Am Yisroel take stock.
After the storm Sandy, many of your children are home you have a great opportunity to talk to them before they go back to school. Before you talk to them, do Teshuva first and beg Hashem to redirect you because you have forgotten what Yiddishkeit really is. You have forgotten that you can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't have everything. You can't have the Goyisha world and the Yiddishe world. The way you are going, you're losing so much. With all your Gashmius you've lost the essence of life. The closeness to HaKodosh Boruch Hu is the main reason for life, to do Hashem's Ratzon without all the Gashmiusdik frills is the essence of life. You can't concentrate on getting close to Hashem after you have eaten a pizza or a falafel or any other junk food because it doesn't coincide with spirituality; it's the street.

After you have done Teshuva, speak to your children about what is the essence of Yiddishkeit. Explain to them that this terrible storm came to wake up the Frum community to the fact that Gashmius is something that can disappear with a strong wind, rushing water, or fire etc. But Yiddishkeit, true Yiddishkeit Torah and Mitzvos is Eternal. And if we want to be eternally with Hashem we must rise above the Egel HaZahav and hold on very tightly to our true Kesher with HaKodosh Boruch Hu through Torah and Mitzvos. However we most explain that Torah and Mitzvos should be the main part of our day and night, and all the stupid pastimes that we have created for ourselves is just the Egel HaZahav sent to destroy us by the Yetzer Hora.

You have become street people. Your dress is outlandish for a Yiddishe person. Your jokes are not refined. Your thinking is very primitive, and therefore you don't look like Yidden. You sit in your bungalows groups of husbands and wives Shmussing and joking, Oy Lonu.
You go to Disneyland with your portable Sukkas and you think you're giving your children a good Jewish education by that, Oy Lonu.
There is no problem to go to Disneyland because there is a Kosher restaurant in Disneyland, Oy Lonu.
No problem at all to meet ten times and take her out to all kinds of restaurants and entertainments. Oy Lonu.

No problem that the women should wear long fancy Shaitels that make them look obviously not married and of course skimpy clothes goes along with it, Oy Lonu.
Our minds are full of money and Gashmius, Oy Lonu.
And all these girls want boys that learn, Oy Lonu,
But a girl like that can never understand a boy that really wants to learn. But most of our Yingerleit have one foot on the Egel HaZahav and the other foot next to the Torah and in the end this Yingerman will certainly lose his Torah, and drown in the Egel HaZahav.

What can I tell you? My heart breaks. Am Yisroel is going to the abyss. Therefore take this storm that has hit hard every Frum community in a very wide area, and understand that now is time to do Teshuva, complete Teshuva. You have to sit down on the floor, tear your clothes, put ashes on your head and beg forgiveness for Retzach first of all, for killing the Yiddishe Neshomah. Ask forgiveness for killing your whole family, for putting them in the wrong direction, for putting them in the direction of the Egel HaZahav. Beg forgiveness for each and every Aveirah, and unfortunately because we're so tied to the Gashmius we have many Aveiros, very unpleasant Aveiros, and it's very terrible.

Am Yisroel, the Frum Am Yisroel suffers from Aveiros that are embarrassing even to talk about. Aveiros that never before Frum people were usually dealing with, but now even Rosh Yeshivas are guilty of some of these Aveiros. What else can I tell you? Sit and do Teshuva. Cry and beg for forgiveness. Hashem will forgive you, but only if you truly want to change and if you don't, if you think this is a joke you'll soon see that it's no laughing matter. If you think this storm was bad wait and see what's going to be next.

I beg you. I beg you Am Yisroel, do Teshuva, true Teshuva. Not just a fast for one day or a half a day, like you were told to do when it was discovered that a certain person was feeding you Treif for years. It's not enough. You must beg Hashem to forgive you. Even if you ate the Treif not knowingly, still you are careless with your Kashrus and you're careless with all of your Yiddishkeit, and you have almost no Kedusha left, and that is a terrible situation. It's more than terrible. It's catastrophic.

So Am Yisroel, sit on the floor. Tear your clothes. Put ashes on your head. Wrap yourself up in your Tallies and Tefillin, and beg forgiveness for each and every Aveirah, and then decide that you're going to come back; a new person; a real Yid the way Hashem wants us to be.

I suggest that you take all of your children aside and explain to them what it is to be a Yid. Take your boys and your girls. Take each age separately and explain to them what it means, really means to be a Yid, that nothing is more important than to be a true Jew.

In the near future anti-Semitism is going to increase in a terrible way. A Yid might be called upon even to sacrifice his life for his Yiddishkeit! Rachmana Litzlon. And why? Because we weren't willing to sacrifice our everyday lives and make a Kiddush Hashem. We weren't ready to take the Goyishkeit out of our lives and to make a Kiddush Hashem.

So therefore we may be called upon to sacrifice ourselves. How could a child understand such a thing when he grew up in such an anti-Frum, Frum society? How could he understand how to be willing not Davka to die for Hashem, but to be willing to live as a true Jew and not being afraid to endanger his Gashmiusdik life.

Explain to your children how Yiddishkeit once looked. The only trouble is that you yourselves have forgotten and you yourselves don't know, so maybe you find a Bubby or A Zaidy that can remind you what it meant to be a Yid. However today even the Bubbies and Zadies don't look the same as their forefathers, and many Bubbies into their nineties are wearing blond Shaitels and coloring their eyes and even if they don't understand what it's all about and their children dress them up that way in gaudy Goyish-like dress, still they have forgotten also. And many of the Zadies have forgotten also, and you can see long bearded men, elderly men talking like a Shaygutz and that's really sad.

Try, try finding someone that remembers Yiddishkeit the way it was, and teach your children, teach your children what it is to be a Yid and demand it from the schools and from the Yeshivas. By the way, Yeshivas and schools are a big business so it's not going to be so easy to do that. They put all the Goyishe attitudes into your schools and you're so happy with it.
I'm warning you; you're getting warned by HaKodosh Boruch Hu with hurricane Sandy, that if you don't want to take away or tone down very much of your Gashmius and go back to what's real in your Yiddishkeit that can connect you to HaKodosh Boruch Hu, then Hashem will take it away from you in a stronger way.
I pray that all of Am Yisroel will all be Zoche to greet Moshiach Tzidkainu, and that all the Yidden with true Yiddishe Neshomas will be saved without suffering.

Part 6
23 Cheshvan 5773 (Nov 7'12)

We've been drowning in a sea of materialism
What shall I say? Mazel Tov? What should I say? Mazel Tov to the American people? Mazel Tov that because of the election won by the president of the United States, the United States will soon be uninhabitable especially for believing Jews. I can't say that I'm unhappy, because it's definitely a sign that we are very close to Moshiach.
Never before has there been a country that spreads so much Gashmius, so much wastefulness, so much living from party to party, so much desire not to take anything serious, and make a joke out of even the worst situations.
Never has there been a country that lived on food that would definitely be considered poison, poison for the mind, and poison for the body, but which tantalizes the senses and draws people to it more and more.
Never has there been a country where democracy was considered a god, that no one would dare speak against, where supposedly every individual has the right of free expression without fear.
Never has there been a country that trusted its representatives like in the United States.
Never has there been a country where basic freedoms gave the Jews who streamed to its shores, a chance to live in peace, to live a life of materialism, in exchange for giving up their Yiddishkeit.
Never before was there a country like the United States of America, where a Frum person could really believe that his Gashmiusdik American-style Frumkeit was what Hashem wanted. No place in the world did it exist before the end of World War Two, but today this is the American Frum Jews' greatest export to the Frum world outside, it's brand of plastic Yiddishkeit.
So Mazel Tov to those who think that you can continue the way you are going till now, but I'm telling you that the United States of America is lost. It doesn't exist in any form anymore and soon it will be very very clear to every citizen that all the so-called freedoms that you once had, have already been taken away from you.
Now it will be interesting how it will affect the Frum society because all the clichés that they believed in will now be destroyed one by one, or maybe two by two or maybe wiped out in one fell sweep. One thing is for sure, with the coming of Sandy and the terrible destruction that wiped out many peoples' Gashmius the dollar will inflated out of existence.
These things will bring a financial fall all over the world. It will start in the United States and have a domino affect everywhere. Never in all of history has there been such a situation in the whole world, but this is what the leaders want, they want control.
Am Yisroel, only Hashem controls us, so you're in trouble. You're going to have to choose. We are coming to a time where Am Yisroel is again going to have to choose, and be ready to pay the final and the greatest price for their Yiddishkeit. I truly hope that no Yid will have to choose to die Al Kiddush Hashem, but it is definitely a possibility Hashem Yirachem. But for sure we're going to have to choose to live Al Kiddush Hashem and by doing that, it will raise the anger of our Frum brothers and sisters, raise the anger of the non-Frum Jews and defiantly disturb very much the plans of the so-called elite.
Am Yisroel don't you realize that you're being targeted? That no one loves the Jews. Maybe the non-Frum Jews that have been pulled in to the governments all over the world will be able to ride the storm, but they will not be able to survive because Hashem won't let them. These turn coats are for sure Erev Rav or Amalek or just plain Goyim, but Am Yisroel when they try to make you desert HaKodosh Boruch Hu you're going to have to say NO!!! And trust Hashem that He will save us and it won't be easy. It won't be easy. To stay in the United States will be very hard, and to come to Eretz Yisroel will also be hard, but you will not be able to live as a Jew in any place in the world except maybe here in Eretz Yisroel.
The time has already begun when the non Frum Jews together with some so called Frum Jews are going to try to rule the State of Israel completely. Their objective is to destroy true Yiddishkeit. They work together in very tight unison, but there are cracks in this attempt to destroy Yiddishkeit. And more and more Yidden are coming closer and closer to Hashem, and I'm not talking about the Teshuva movement. I'm talking about many individual Jews from all backgrounds that see the truth and trust nothing, and no one but HaKodosh Boruch Hu. And these Jews will be the base, not of the New World Order but of "the new world of Moshiach and the Bais HaMikdosh Hashlishi". This will be the first real taste of eternity in this Olam Hazeh.
Hashem will bring upon us many Makkos like in Mitzraim. He has already brought Makkos on us but they are still very mild. They are only a preview of what is going to come. Till Sandy, the Jews didn't suffer too much with any of the Makkos that the world has suffered. However Sandy opened the eyes of many who thought that it would pass without destruction. When so many homes were destroyed, and so many people without electricity, and so many suffering without food and water, and even in the Frum Jewish community, then I hope and I pray that many will see the truth, which is that the American Frum Yid, generally speaking, has been drowning in a sea of materialism, has been running after money and material success, and this is the main thing in their lives. Vacations, skiing vacations, Jewish Frum families going to skiing vacations. Unfortunately they can't understand what's wrong with that. What's wrong for the Yiddish Mamma to put on skies and go down the slopes? Nothing wrong at all! The Hotel is totally Kosher, nothing wrong at all!

And for the other Yidden who don't go on skiing vacations but go to the mountains in the summer and sit and Schmooze with each other, husbands and wives with other husbands and wives and the talk is superficial and stupid, and those who go out to play games and to do other entertainments; soon Hashem will end all of this nonsense. What is entertainment? The American so-called culture is to entertain yourself so you don't think about anything, so you don't hurt from any feelings. It takes away all feelings, and puts you in a world that doesn't exist; into a world of imagination that bombards your senses, keeps you on an extremely superficial level. That robs you of your true Yiddishkeit and you still think it's Kosher and it's part of the Torah.
I heard the other day that one Rav had a dream that the main problem in Am Yisroel is they speak during Davening, and I say that speaking during Davening is a result, a symptom of the illness and not the illness itself. The illness itself is the Egel HaZahav, to desire to entertain ourselves and bring ourselves to all kind of Gashmiusdik highs that will give us a reason to get out of bed and go to work and so on and so forth. Yiddishkeit is not really that interesting to most people.

Even the Yingerlite that sit and learn are not the same as once, and they need their Gashmius. It's not enough that they sit in the Bais Medrash and learn. Their wives must go to work and therefore they send them to work, which causes tremendous problems with the families, and certainly a child that doesn't have a mother at home cannot live a truly Jewish life.

Our Yiddishe Mammas have become Barbie dolls and Tatties have become Ken dolls dressed up as Frum people. Can a Barbie doll and a Ken doll do Teshuva? I'm so afraid that some of our unTzniusdik Yidden are so far gone that they forgot even what it is to do Teshuva, what it means to do Teshuva. And as I have said before, our Yeshivas are big businesses and also the Kollelim. I know here in Israel every other person is a Rosh Kollel but no one wants to be a Gadol HaDor. What's a Gadol HaDor? He can't make money as a Gadol HaDor, but the people around him can make money off the Gadol HaDor.
Oy Lonu, Oy Lonu. I suggest very seriously Am Yisroel that you take yourselves in hand. Tear yourselves away from the lies that you've been fed since childhood. Even the Bubbies and Zadies were fed those lies.

The Mommies, the Tatties, the Bubbies, and the Zadies often five or six generations of lies, from the beginning of the Haskolah. But the worst is this last generation. And now Hashem is going to take away your lollypop. Hashem is going to destroy the Egel HaZahav and those who are so connected to it will not be able to deal with it, will not be able to suffer through it, will not be able to live without the lies that the Egel HaZahav professes.

Therefore Am Yisroel those who cling to Hashem with all their might, those who will stubbornly hold on without letting go, those are the ones who will get through the next Tekufah , the next time in history so much easier than others. The others will either do Teshuva from suffering or will disappear from existence.

Mommy: It seems that we have such a long period of time till Moshiach will arrive. Some people are possibly getting discouraged.
Moishe'la: Just like Sandy suddenly came on the scene, and pushed everything forward, fast forward, that's the way it's going to be. When we are completely discouraged Moshiach will suddenly appear in an instant! So I suggest that you stop saying those things and just wait for Moshiach without putting yourself into depression for no reason.

Mommy: I am not giving up, but it still seems that we'll have to prepare for a longer period of time until the Geula.
Moishe'la: I want you to listen to me again carefully. You are wrong because in an instant everything can change. We are going into a new period of time. It does not mean that it will last so long. From one moment to another it will change. We'll wake up and everything will be different. We do have to go through things, we know that, but in one instant everything can change.

Moishela: What else can I say, Mommy and Tatti? My heart is breaking for Am Yisroel. I know that every Rasha that has ever lived, is now alive and well and all of them hate the Yidden, but particularly the Yidden that believe in HaKodosh Boruch Hu, We are facing a very difficult time, but Hashem will save us. Am Yisroel will prevail and soon we'll have the Bais HaMikdosh and the Korbonos, and life will be always close to Hashem, spiritually great and always growing.

Part 7
24 Cheshvan 5773 (Nov 8'12)

My harsh words to you is only because I love you

I want all of my fellow Jews to know that it's very hard for me to say all the things that I've said until now. I know that this Golus has been very long and hard. I know that Hashem has directed us every single step of the way. I know that everything is for the good. I know that Hashem has a master plan that will bring all of existence into one great HaLelu Koh.
I beg Hashem every day to have pity on His people. Hashem please don't be angry with us when we stray. Please understand that for over two thousand years we have wandered from place to place, many times watching our families being slaughtered, many times ourselves being slaughtered, living a very difficult life. Even those Yidden that are second or third generation of Jews that are living in relative peace, still they strayed from their direction; they strayed from their G-d from our HaKodosh Boruch Hu. Please Hashem have pity even on them because they just don't know.
Every true Yid wants to be close to Hashem. Maybe after generations of straying from the path the Yid has lost his feeling, his connection with Hashem, but please Hashem let it be reawakened. Yes Hashem will resurrect every true Yid's feeling and connection with Him. And once we have that connection nothing will be able to prevent our achieving the level of Adam HaRishon before the Chet.

I Daven very hard for my brothers and sisters, my Yiddisha brothers and sisters. I worry very much that we shouldn't have to suffer terribly, but we are before the coming of Moshiach and therefore suffering will be. According to the Neuvas, two thirds of the world will be destroyed, one third completely and one third in very bad shape and one third will not be destroyed.

Eretz Yisroel is in the third that will not be destroyed. Frightening it will be, terribly frightening. When all of the Goyim come upon all of Am Yisroel and Gog and Magog surround us completely with the greatest of weapons, of course we will be frightened, but by then we'll be so close to Hashem and we will have Moshiach Tzidkainu, Hashem's messenger, and therefore we will not suffer the worst pangs of fear.

Am Yisroel my harsh words to you are only because I love you. My harsh words to you are to try to make you wake up, so you won't suffer. Those of you who are not from the base of a Jewish Neshama, those of you who are Erev Rav, you have no Tikkun, and my words will only disgust you.

But the true Yid will know the truth of my words and will want to come back. The true Yid will realize that the comfort of the Golus that has been for the last sixty or seventy years is disappearing at a very fast rate and that we have been negligent in learning Torah and keeping Mitzvos. We must do Teshuva! Everything I've said to you is true, and if you don't want to admit it, Hashem will force you to admit it. And I beg you please, please don't be angry with me. Just do what you have to do. Come close to Hashem. Get rid of the idols, especially the Egel HaZahav, and come back to Hashem.

I want to tell you also that time is short. We think that the Gashmiusdik life will go on forever, as has been until now, but we have had many examples that this is not true. Many terrible tragedies have hit the Frum world on personal levels and on Klal levels. We witnessed a terrible slaughter of a little boy. We witnessed a killing of a Gadol. We witnessed a storm that took such a heavy toll of our Gashmius that made our lives unbearable. We visit people that are sick and suffering, Lo Aleinu. We are constantly burying young people as well as old people, Rachmana Litzlon, and we can see ahead of us darkness. We have entered the tunnel, and the doors are closing behind us. We're coming to the point of total darkness, and after that total darkness there will be a bit of light. And as we continue through the darkness, the light will grow stronger and stronger, until we reach the Geula. But that time in the total darkness will be very frightening. The world will be turned up-side-down and we will see Nissim greater than the Makkos in Mitzrayim and we will be very frightened. But those who are close to HaKodosh Boruch Hu, will survive, will survive!

I have finished this series and now will wait for another happening which shouldn't be so long in coming.

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