Daniel: Who wants life, visit our website

For the Lord God does nothing unless He has revealed
His secret to His servants, the prophets. (Amos, 3:7)

   Books  - You can download and read/print all the messages
   Listen  -  You can listen to the messages
  Moishela -  the messages of Moishela:'הגאולה'.

5779 - תשע"ט

Messages from Meir Yisroel in 5779 - תשע"ט

New Updates:

NEW!! Meir Yisroel 5779
Adar 1 - A Message to the Jews of England

5778 - תשע"ח

Messages from Meir Yisroel in 5778 - תשע"ח

Elul 1,    Elul 2,    Elul 3,    Elul 4,
-  -  -  -
Av 1,    Av 2,    Av 3,    Av 4,
-  -  -  -
-  -  -  -
Sivan 1,    Sivan 2,    Sivan 3,
-  -  -  -
Iyar 1,    Iyar 2,    Iyar 3,    Iyar 4,
-  -  -  -
NISSAN  #1 #2, #3, #4
-  -  -  -
-  -  -  -
-  -  -  -

Messages from Meir Yisroel - 5777 - תשע"ז

No. #1   No. #2   No. #3   No. #4   No. #5   No. #6

5 Iyar 5776
(May 13, ‘16)

28 Nisan 5776, (May 6, '16)

20 Nissan 5776 (April 27, ‘16)

More Proof Of Great Dangers

13 Nissan 5776 (April 21, ‘16)

We Cannot Survive Without A Nes

16 Nisan 5776 (April 24, ‘16)

The Unthinkable Is About To Happen

7 Nisan 5776 (April 15, ‘16)

Darach Kochav Mi’yaakov


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

15 Adar Bais 5776 (Mar 25, ‘16) - 22 Adar Bais 5776 (April 1, ‘16)

Today we must be Freilach 


8 Adar Bais 5776 (Mar 18, ‘16) 

Upwards Into Infinity

1 Adar Bais 5776 (Mar 11, ‘16)

The End Is Coming

17 Adar Aleph 5776 (Feb 26, ‘16)

He Will Be With Us Forever

10 Adar Aleph 5776 (Feb 19, ‘16) 

Eretz Yisroel Will Survive

3 Adar Aleph 5776 (Feb 12, ‘16) 

19 Shevat 5776 (Jan 29, '16)

We Will Survive I”YH

12 Shevat 5776 (Jan 22, ‘16)

6 Teves 5776 (Dec. 18, '15)

The Master Plan Is Taking Form

29 Kislev 5776  (Dec 11, ‘15)

Don’t Get Confused


22 Kislev 5776, (Dec. 4. '15)

The Satan is Trying To Take Control
15 Kislev 5776 (Nov 27, ‘15)

A message of Moishela -
10 Cheshvan 5776 (Oct. 23, ‘15) 

3 Cheshvan 5776 (Oct. 16, ‘15)

NEW 250 page book : 

5770 - 5775
Introduction Written by Moishela

 You may download this file and go directly to a speciffic chapter,  using the Bookmark tab in your PDF-reader program. 

Available At

Many articles and messages have been translated to Eng.,  see the following link: 
Another link containing more messages in Eng. from previous years at: dreamingofmoshiach.blogspot.co.il/search/label/Autistic%20Message under the tab titled: "Autistic Messages"

Jews of America,
I beg you to realize that you are soon going to be in great danger.Start packing your bags and be ready as soon as you can.
Daniel.   6 April, 2009

To all of our readers,
I, Daniel, ask you, please, if you see the truth,
 download our messages
and send them to every Jew that you can,
in order to help spread in someway the truth in this world of lies.
I want to thank every one who helps to distribute our messages.
God bless you with Tora, health, parnassa,
and we shall all merit to greet Mashiach tzidkanu.
Daniel,  July 31, 2009

Moishale, 24 Elul 5774 (Sept 18, '14)

Moishale, 16 Elul 5774 (Sept 10, '14)

10 Sep. 2014    Moishe'le: Ha'Geula
We Must Prepare Ourselves To Be Unblemished Sacrifices

03 Sep. 2014 Moishe'le: Ha'Geula
When The Final Curtain Comes Down

22 June 2014 Moishle: Ha'Geula
Achdus Is To Be One With Hashem, We Must Focus On The Truth,
 L'Shanah Haba'ah B' Yerushalayim, Life Is Zooming By, Mazal Tov!

7 Apr. 2014    Moishe'le: Ha'Geula
                      Stand Up And Say No

2 Apr. 2014 Moishe'le: Ha'Geula
            Only Hashem's Army Can Win,   They Want to Destroy Yiddishkeit

5 Feb. 2014 Moishe'le: Ha'Geula

6 NOV. 2013  10 Messages of Moishele - Aug.- Nov. '13 

World War One, World War Two, Now World War Three;

תשע"ד - Our Last Journey Before Reaching the Geula Sheleimah;

Our Last Journey Before Reaching the Geula Sheleimah

30 AUGUST   2013
I'ts time, Am Yisrael.

18 AUGUST   2013 - From Moishela

17 JANUARY  2013 - Wasn't Sandy Enough
                                Listen  3046  3047  3050

23 December 2012 - We Can't Go On Like This

26 November 2012
- Very Soon There Will Be Another War

22 November 2012  -  There Are Almost No Leaders and All Is Confusion

20 November 2012  -  The State of Israel is Now Being Targeted

15 November 2012

Discussion about world events with Moishe'la and his family
Part 1 - Frankenstorm: Heralding in a New Era
Part 2 - Don't you see that the world is falling apart?
Part 3 - Jews all over the world are in big danger
Part 4 - Read the signs Am Yisroel
Part 5 - Explain to your children how Yiddishkeit once looked
Part 6 - We've been drowning in a sea of materialism
Part 7 - My harsh words to you is only because I love you

Discussion about world events with Moishe'la    (TEXT)
   (with his family) parts 1-13

18  October, 2011   Five messages
  Erev Rosh Hashana
      A Severe Warning Soon
      The Only Connection - The Connection with Hashem
      Use These Last Precious Moments to Get Closer and Closer to Hakodosh Boruch Hu
      Prepare Yourself This Minute for What is Coming

26  August, 2011    To all my American Landsmen
                             (Pdf format)

12  August, 2011  - Where are you ?

7  August, 2011  -  The murder of a Tzaddik

16  July, 2011
A Message to the Frum Yidden in America

16 feb. 2011

Chapter 157a Worse than the Plagues of Egypt

Chapter 166   We are slaves

Chapter 170   This World is Dying

20 Sep, 2010

   You can listen to -  Mass Destruction,   A Small peek into the future

23 July, 2010     A small peek into the future      (145)

20 June, 2010    Mass Destruction                     (136)

19 May,  2010

    Chapter 127  A meeting with Daniel

    Chapter 129  Two thirds will die

12   May,         2010 - chapter 128 - The gashmius is killing us

 3   January,    2010 - Chapter 120 - FC with Galia

27  December, 2009 - Chapter 126 - Ain Od Melvado

17 November,  2009 - Chapter 123 - FC with Moshe

25  September, 2009

14 August, 2009

9 August, 2009

The book  -     Secrets of the Soul

22 July, 2009

Chapter 114  An Important Message

Chapter 115  Learn who to trust

19 July, 2009

Download Daniel's books -

DANIEL1    PDF.Format   DOC.Format   Cover

DANIEL2    PDF.Format   DOC.Format   Covers:  Inside  Outside

DANIEL3    PDF.Format   DOC.Format   *** new ***

24 June 2009,   Lost Forever (112)

2  June 2009

03 MAY 2009   - Chapter 108B

21 APRIL 2009 - FC with Daniel  (Chapter 108a)

30 MAR 2009  THE END - a story of clinical death.   (2 apr 2009, introduction added).

15 Dec, 2008

21 Nov, 2008

10 Oct 2008   Chapter 94 - The great and terrible day is getting closer

7 Oct 2008

9 Sep 2008

Chapter 71 Those who missed the train Feb, 2008

Chapter 76 2,000 Sacks 9 Mar, 2008


Chapter 63 A tiny opening in people's hearts

Chapter 65 The Last Chance

Chapter 67 The fear helps us

* to see a short video of the "sacks and ashes" prayers

in Jerusalem - click here. or click Here

I am autistic.
1 Daniel
2 Doctors' Opinion About Daniel
3 FC with Autistic and Brain Damaged Children.
4 Sources
5 First FC with B.Golden, Jerusalem, 28-sep-2006
6 Second FC with Daniel, Jerusalem, 17-oct-2006
7 Third FC with Daniel, Jerusalem, 24-oct-2006
8 Excerpts From FC with Binyamin Golden.
9 The third world war
10 Ben Golden - Autistic young man speaks.
8 G-d is holding back His Divine Anger
11 18 Cheshvan 5758
13 Message to the Jews of America
14 Message to the Jews of England
לוח אותיות התקשור

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לאתר זה נכנסו 8031648 פעמים
היום - 22/10/24